Drawing geometrical constructions might turn out to be a difficult and time-consuming task, especially when it’s for a complex formula. One program that can help you prepare your Geometry sketches with ease was CaRMetal.
To be honest, I think inexperienced users might encounter some problems when managing its construction tools and functions. This application requires at least a medium level of Geometry knowledge as its help manual won’t do much good.
On the right side of the screen you will find almost any geometrical object, shape or segment type you could be thinking of. The application will let you define color palettes for any object or line and make your sketch more comprehensive and neater to the eye.
A time-consuming disadvantage of using CaRMetal was that it didn’t allow me to undo changes, only to delete the item that needs to be removed or edited.
If you ask me, despite its inability to undo moves, the program works fine and definitely helps me save time from drawing complex geometrical constructions. But, if you don’t have much knowledge in Geometry, I recommend you to try less complex drawing tools.